
My name is Tommy FalconEye. I am originator of our project Grokraft (growforce). We want to buy about 40 acre land (very expensive) to start up an education centre to promote life-giving farming, organic housing and free natural consciousness.

Life-giving farming. In the 1970s and 80s I was organic farmer – and practiced what I now call life-giving farming. We learnt a lot about nature. Our plants and we and our animals became super healthy. Visitors suffering from severe illnesses were cured in days. Our food tasted fantastic and gave a lot of energy. Now, I and some younger activists will repeat our experiences. We will loosen the soil, fill it with roots – some reaching the ground water, so all plants and all living species in the soil constantly get water from below. Thousands of beetles will dig channels deep down in the soil, so nitrogen and oxygen can come down to all soil bacteria. They have acid excrements dissolving clay and sand – and create a liquid with all natural elements (minerals) which are food for the plants. Therefore we don’t need organic or artificial fertilizer.

Organic houses. We will have fields with organic buildings material – and build a small village. I have participated in building such two houses.

Natural consciousness. I studied social science at Copenhagen University – started in 1968. After some years I left the academic consciousness-industry, but continued during 30 years studying European, Arabic, Indian and Chinese history and consciousness-structures. Especially I discovered that Europeans in the 1400s raised their SELF up over their abdomen, in which they had an evil and sinful animal – they thought. In the last half of the 1800s they got a second split in their consciousness, so the two brain-halves stopped to co-operate. They got an ego in one side – and others in the other side. Later it split the population in the right-wings and the left-wings. In the end of the 1900s the Europeans got a third split in consciousness – switching from having their SELF in the body to have it in their brain. The three spilts have turned out to create the “modern” man – being an onlooker with abstract consciousness – only able to think quantitative – and unable to imagine qualitative changes in society. We in our Grokraft project are working with liberating ourselves – to obtain an original and natural consciousness free of any splits.

Project plan. We will start up a kind of oasis in our mental desert (society). It shall be like a womb in which we can be re-born. We want to start a national process with more oases – and hopefully change the entire society. We invite people from all over the world to join a similar development. Please help us. We ask you to support us financially. We have started up gathering money. All of us work voluntarily. All money will be used to develop our project.

We are now a small community, Folk og Natur (folk and nature).
Our Danish bank account is regnr. 8401 account 1044124
IBAN account number DK0284010001044124 - SWIFT/BIC MEKUDK21
Contact email:

Thank you